At Connect Church we are a loving family whose first passion is to love Christ.
We believe building and experiencing Christian community is essential for each person to develop a deeper faith in God that can be practiced in daily life.
We equip people to outwork their God-inspired gifts by providing opportunities for individuals to contribute to the community throughout the week and our church community at gatherings. Sunday services build and equip the saints for the work of everyday ministry in our schools, universities, workplaces, homes and various spheres of influence, making a positive difference wherever we are and in all we do. We also provide specific training to develop the effectiveness of specific gifts.

Yuan & Korenne Miller

Lead Pastors

Key Leaders

Nathan Simpson

Nathan Simpson

Youth Pastor, Tech Supervisor

Teneille Kirby

Teneille Kirby

Worship Director, Pastoral Care, Administration

Safe Church Contact

Bernie Dunn

Bernie Dunn

Connect Church has been established in the Caboolture community for over 30 years and is a multigenerational community of believers in Jesus that love coming together to worship and encourage one another both on Sundays and throughout the week.

As members of the International Network of Churches (INC) movement, we value INC’s foundations in the supernatural power of God and are committed to being diligent stewards of these gifts to see the kingdom of God established.

INC Declaration of Faith