Connect Church Resources


Easter meal @ Home Resources

Introduction to a Christian Seder

An exhaustive explanation of how as a Christian we can look at Passover, what each of the elements mean, reflect and point to Christ and how to prepare a full Passover meal, a symbolic one or anything in between. It even includes recipes.

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The Haggadah

A Haggadah is an order of service for Passover (A runsheet). This is an example of what a Christian Haggadah can look like to help provide a framework to operate within.

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Here Are Two More Haggadah Examples You Can Download

We would also like to invite you to watch a special five-part video teaching series, “Passion Week”, produced by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem to mark the Passover/Easter season, taking us on a journey from Palm Sunday through Resurrection Sunday. This video series will bring to life the entry of Jesus over the Mount of Olives on Palm Sunday; His agony in prayer at Gethsemane; His trial before Pilate at Herod’s Palace; His death on Calvary; and the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb on the third day.
Find out more at:

ICEJ Passion Week