Fasting Blogs by Jentezen Franklin
Fasting for Beginners by Desiring God (Article)
Straight Talk about Fasting from International House of Prayer (Article)
Fasting by Richard Wagner (Article)
Sharpen your Affections with Fasting by David Matthis (Article)
An exhaustive explanation of how as a Christian we can look at Passover, what each of the elements mean, reflect and point to Christ and how to prepare a full Passover meal, a symbolic one or anything in between. It even includes recipes.
Click HereA Haggadah is an order of service for Passover (A runsheet). This is an example of what a Christian Haggadah can look like to help provide a framework to operate within.
We would also like to invite you to watch a special five-part video teaching series, “Passion Week”, produced by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem to mark the Passover/Easter season, taking us on a journey from Palm Sunday through Resurrection Sunday. This video series will bring to life the entry of Jesus over the Mount of Olives on Palm Sunday; His agony in prayer at Gethsemane; His trial before Pilate at Herod’s Palace; His death on Calvary; and the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb on the third day.
Find out more at: